One place you can do this is in the village of Sasau. Otherwise, just put all your loot inside inventory somewhere, then go to jail to restore your reputation. It is recommended to have enough money to pay off the bounty if you are caught. Use your fists to keep hitting them for easy and fast XP. Knock them out and drag their body behind a barn or some area no one will see you. It is also legal, so you do not have any of the risks or negative side effects of the thief lifestyle. | Submitted by Netoįind a NPC that will not respond. While you do not get a ton of money from it, the higher ranked tournaments do pay really well. Scattered throughout the game are various contests, such as the archery competition in Rattay. Other good targets include armories, barracks, and stores. This works best when combined with haggling.
Bailiff properties and noble residents usually contain very expensive items, such as goblets and plates - all of which sell for a good amount of money. Knock him out, loot all his gear, and sell it to a miller. Wait until dark and approach a guard from behind. The quieter towns with guards are a good place to start. It is also recommended to get a horse to speed up travel times. Before trying to steal, make sure you have unlocked the ability to sell stolen goods. Stealing is by far the most lucrative method to earn money quickly in the game. This allows you to get discounts of 50% and better. | Submitted by Neto The perk will automatically kick in and let you have another chance, but the merchant will now be offering the best possible price. When you are haggling with a merchant or someone else, immediately drop to the lowest (when buying) or highest (when selling) price available.
Kingdom come deliverance cheats pc how to#
Once you know how to haggle, simply use the Final Offer perk to maximize the benefit every time. You can see a Haggle button in the lower left corner. Once you have bought or sold your items, check your basket. Its description reads: "When a trader loses patience with you during haggling, you have one more chance to make another offer." While this may not sound too great, it actually is very helpful. You need Speech Level 4 to choose the Final Offer perk.
To find this perk, navigate to the "Player" section of the menu. Note: The last one is pretty useless without a table of item IDs, but if it's working, the table will be discovered in no time.įirst, get the Final Offer perk. Wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 - Adds a reticule when aiming a bow. Confirmed not to work after release, but work at alpha and beta. Wh_cheat_money X - Gives a certain amount of money. Wh_cheat_addItem - Gives X amount of item with the Y ID. R_depthofFieldmode 0 - Disables Depth of field durring dialogue. P_gravity_z X - Changes the intensity of gravity (default is 13).
Kingdom come deliverance cheats pc code#
To use the console, press ~, then input the code and press Enter.Ĭl_fov X - Sets the field of view to X (default is 60).Į_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X - Changes the distance at which grass is animated (default is 20).Į_ViewDistRatio X - Changes the distance at which objects start to render (default is 500).Į_ViewDistRatioVegetation X - Changes the distance at which trees start to render (default is 500). Commands for this game are pretty basic, and act a lot like Skyrim console commands, so you should not have a problem learning them.